Provider Guides – Helping Babies Breathe(Qty.20)

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An educational guide and quality improvement tool for healthcare providers to help babies breathe at birth, to be used both during the training and in the facility. Second edition. 20 Provider Guides.

HBB is part of the evidence-based suite of training program called Helping Babies Survive. HBB Second Edition is currently available in English, French and Spanish*. The second edition focuses on quality of care and uses the latest scientific updates. It harmonizes with the 2015 ILCOR guidelines as well as the 2012 WHO Basic Newborn Resuscitation Guidelines.

If you want to hold an HBB training, you need the HBB curriculum and the following:

The HBB course takes approximately 1 day to teach. Read more about HBB here.

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English w/International graphics, English w/ African graphics, French w/African graphics, French w/Asian graphics, Spanish w/International graphics